Join us for Shavuos 5776 at the Hudson Valley Resort
& Spa and
you'll be delighted with the best Jewish singles and family programs anywhere
in the Upstate New York Catskills region of the Hudson Valley, h osted by "Flakey" Jake! (The man who knows over 10,000 birthdays)
You'll enjoy exquisite Glatt Kosher dining by Reuven
Osherovitz of "Besser Foods" under the strict rabbinical supervision provided by Rabbi Aaron Gruner of the Chofetz Chesed Org, Rochester, NY with separate dining areas for both Families and Singles.
Your program will include:
- Scholars in Residence
- Welcome Hospitality
- Shurim
- Lectures
- All Night Learning
- Day Camp
- Babysitting
- 24 Hour Tea Room
- One-on-one intros
- Icebreakers
- Israeli Folk Dancing
- & Much more!
Noted speakers, scholars, and coordinators include:
- Rabbi Abraham Kiss, columnist and lecturer, New Hempstead, NY
- Rabbi Chaim Szmidt, host of "The Kosher Scene" internet radio show and blog
- Gabriella Strauss, Biblical Author and Poet of "Noach: Stranded and Branded", "Korach: The Pit and the Petulant", and "Balak: The Curse and the Courtship".
- Outstanding Day Camp Director and babysitting service
- Dave Bodner, Singles Coordinator
- Israeli- Simcha Folk Dancing with dance coordinator Faigee Sash
- Rabbi Sensei Gary Moskowitz, Pres. Martial Arts Therapy, Dir. Macabi Film Productions
- Judah S. Harris, Photographer-Filmmaker, Speaker and Writer (
- Dr. Raphael Birge, Encyclopedic knowledge of nutrition.
- *Special Guest Speaker, Shadcham Baila Sebrow
- Guest lecturer Izzy Root
Round Trip Buses from Brooklyn
and Midtown only $50