Kosher in the Catskills packages include everything
you and your family want in a traditional summer getaway including delectable
Glatt Kosher dinning, comfortable accommodations, vacation amenities, and much
Weekend Package Includes:
- Dinner on Friday
- Breakfast on Saturday
- Kiddish/lunch on Saturday
- Shalos Seodos(dinner) on Saturday
- Breakfast on Sunday.
- Tea Room
- Sleeping Room
- Prayer Room
- Access to Hotel Facilities
Weekday Package Includes:
- Dinner on night of arrival
- Breakfast and Lunch for each nights stay
- Tea Room
- Sleeping Room
- Prayer Room
- Access to Hotel Facilities
Catering by Besser Foods under the strict Rabinnical
Supervision of Reuvan Osherovitz
We're offering a great summer kosher package in
the Catskills at an unbeatable low rate- call the hotel at 845-626-8888 ext. 3019 for rates and availability; just leave your
name, number and dates of your visit and we'll give you a call to book your
summer stay!